
Pastor & Staff

Patrick Hayes


Pastor Hayes did not grow up in a Christian home. He was given a New Testament by a friend and was saved in his 20's at an Independent Baptist Church. He was ordained and served in various ministries. He taught an adult Sunday School Class for a dozen years. He was an assistant pastor and ran a faith based out patient addictions program.  Today he has been saved for over 20 years. He has been married for nearly 18 years, and  has 6 wonderful children.

Teaching the Bible is his number one passion.  Pastor Hayes was frustrated early in his Christian walk, when many Christians, including pastors, could not give definitive answers from the Bible.  Searching out Biblical answers became his  great life's work.  This Church was born out of this life's work.  

JoAnna Hayes

Church Secretary/ Media

JoAnna Hayes was saved in her 20's.  Soon after she and Pastor Hayes were married and started their lives together.  She takes care of the nursery schedule, secretarial duties and media presence. 

Washington Hayes

Audio/ Visual

Washington Hayes is one of Patrick & JoAnna's 6 children.  He runs our camera, sound, live streaming and all things audio/video. We blame Washington whenever the sound goes out.